李如松,男,1983年3月生,汉族,博士,副教授,西京学院理学院学院副教授。兼任陕西省核学会理事,中国核学会会员。担任International Journal of Hydrogen Energy、Journal of Material Science & Technology、Science China E-Technology Science和《核技术》等期刊审稿人。
2000.09-2004.06 原第二炮兵工程学院 本科
2004.09-2007.03 原第二炮兵工程学院 硕士研究生
2007.04-2011.06 原第二炮兵工程学院 博士研究生
2011.07-2017.07 火箭军工程大学 讲师
2017.08至今 西京学院
专业 控制工程(085210)
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目《铀/钚金属及其合金和化合物物性的第一性原理研究》,25万,2015.01-2017.12.
2. 军委科技委国防科技基金项目《Pu-Ga合金相稳定性影响机制的多尺度表征技术研究》,100万,2017.01-2020.12.
3. 陕西省教育厅项目《铀金属和化合物表面化学吸附的第一性原理计算》,2万,2018.01-2020.12.
[1] 李如松. 强关联电子体系的第一性原理计算. 西北工业大学出版社, 2018.
[2] 李如松. 锕系元素的电子结构计算. 西北工业大学出版社, 2018.
[1] Ru-song Li*, Bin He, et al. O2, CO2 and H2O chemisorption on UN (001) surface: density functional theory study, Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 27(1): 20-28, 2014, (SCI).
[2] Ru-song Li*, Bin He, et al. Density functional theory study of H, C and O chemisorption on UN(001) and (111) surfaces, Nuclear Science and Techniques, 25(5): 050502, 2014, (SCI).
[3] Ru-song Li*, Bin He, Gang Li, et al. An Electronic Structure Calculation for 5f States of δ Phase Plutonium Based on the Density Functional Theory Method, Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin., 75-80, 2015, (SCI).
[4] Ru-song Li*, Bin He, Quan-hu Zhang. Atomistic simulation of interactions of fracture with defect clusters in delta-Pu, Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 54 (10): 1805-1810, 2011, (SCI).
[5] Ru-song Li*, Bin He, Quan-hu Zhang. Ab Initio Calculation of Interatomic Potentials in Ga-Stabilized δ-Pu Alloys, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 40 (2): 195-200, 2011, (SCI).
[6] Ru-song Li*, Bin He, Quan-hu Zhang. Atomistic Model of Uranium, Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 24 (4): 405-411, 2011, (SCI).
[7] Ru-song Li*, Bin He, Quan-hu Zhang. Structures and potential energy functions for ground states of PuU and U2 molecules, Nuclear Science and Techniques, 22 (1): 47-54, 2011, (SCI).
[8] Ru-song Li*, Zhi-yong Liu, Du-qiang Xin, Zhen Wang. H isotope effects in 6, 7LiX (X=H, D, T)+H2O deliquescence reactions: A quantum chemistry study, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 47(6): 1662-1667, 2018 (SCI).
[9] Xin Qu, Ru-song Li, Bin He, Fei Wang, et al. Co-adsorption of O2 and H2O on α-uranium (110) surface: A density functional theory study, Chinese Physics B, 27: 076501,2018(SCI).
[10] Xin Qu, Ru-song Li, Bin He, Fei Wang, et al. Influence of impurity elements on the corrosion of α-uranium surface: A density functional theory study, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 317(1):345–354,2018 (SCI).
[11] Xin Qu, Bin He, Ru-song Li, Fei Wang, et al. The promotion effect of oxygen on the dissociative adsorption of water to uranium dioxide surface: A GGA+U study, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry,317(2):1013–1020,2018, (SCI).
[12] Fei Wang, Wen-sheng Lai, Ru-song Li*, et al. Fast hydrogen diffusion along the Σ7 grain boundary of α-Al2O3: A first-principles study, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41(47): 22214-22220, 2016, (SCI).
[13] Fei Wang, Wen-sheng Lai, Ru-song Li*, et al. Vacancy-enhanced mechanisms for helium diffusion along sigma-7 grain boundary in alpha-Al2O3: A first principle study, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B,393:88-92, 2017, (SCI).
[14] Fei Wang, Wen-sheng Lai, Ru-song Li*, et al. Interactions between vacancies and prismatic sigma3 grain boundary in α-Al2O3: First principles study Chinese Physics B, 2016, 25(6):066804, 2016, (SCI).
[15] Peng Xu, Song Wang, Xin-hui Cai, Ru-song Li*, et al. The extraction and smoothing algorithms for γ-ray spectrum of a CdZnTe detector system Nuclear Science and Techniques, 25: 050402, 2014, (SCI).
[16] 李如松*, 何彬, 许鹏等. Pu化合物电子结构的密度泛函理论计算, 原子能科学技术, 48: 43-49, 2014, (EI).